慶應義塾大学アート・センター Keio University Art Center

Events archive

27 NovKeio University Mita Campus Architecture Open DayOther
27 NovSHOW-CASE project No. 3 Shinro Otake Time Memory/FeedbackExhibition
04 NovTreasures from Century Cultural Foundation: The Art at Peace -- Early Edo Culture thorough BooksExhibition
29 OctArts Management Basic CourseSeminar
26 OctTakehiko Tokiwa × Satoshi Inoue Photo & Music Session "The Portraits of Jim Hall and Contemporary Jazz Guitarists under His Influence"Lecture
15 Oct地方・地域における文化芸術活動と大学「文化による地域創生:北東北からの報告」Seminar Discussion
07 OctPractice Lecture to Make Use of Art Resource in CompanySeminar Course/Workshop
05 OctRecording the Late Edo period: NIJO Family DocumentsExhibition
30 AugButoh performance"Three Dancers: To the New Era"Performance
30 AugSpecial film screening: Experimental films by Shuji TerayamaScreening
29 AugAomori Folklore/Performing ArtsPerformance
29 AugPanel sessions: Ecology of Butoh/Performance ArchivesConference Discussion
28 AugPSi 2015 TOHOKU+AOMORI FRINGEPerformance Screening Course/Workshop
28 AugBeyond Contamination: Corporeality, Spirituality and Pilgrimage in Northern JapanConference Performance
28 AugAOMORI FRINGEPerformance
06 JunThe Art of Hijikata Tatsumi: From Dance Experience to Dance MethodExhibition Other
01 JunKeio and World War Ⅱ: Exhibition Ⅲ 'KEIO1945'Exhibition
19 MayThe World of GEKI-CINE "Seven Souls in the Skull Castle"Screening
11 MayContemporary eyes Ⅴ: Blinky PalermoExhibition
24 AprOhno Yoshito Butoh Performance: Flower and Bird / Inside and OutsidePerformance
07 MarTalk: Artist and Archive -Kawaguchi Tatsuo "Land and Sea" (1970)Discussion
03 MarSHOW-CASE project No. 2: Gallery Talk "On making artworks"Gallery talk
02 MarNoguchi Room RevisitedExhibition
27 FebTalk: Connecting Performance ArchivesDiscussion
04 FebArt-archive Managements WG Season1 'Relationship'Discussion
04 FebTalk: Archive Connect--Cultural Resources in SocietyDiscussion
24 JanNishiwaki Junzaburo and Hagiwara SakutaroConference
21 JanThe 29th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi's Death: Talking Together about Hijikata TatsumiDiscussion
19 JanSHOW-CASE project No. 2 Nobuhiro Shimura "Lucent Case"Exhibition
08 DecAdoration to classical antiquityExhibition
08 NovReading Hijikata Tatsumi's "La danseuse malade" in Akita DialectPerformance
08 NovDancing Hijikata Tatsumi's "La danseuse malade" in AkitaPerformance
05 NovLiving with Calligraphy in the Edo PeriodExhibition
04 NovSHOW-CASE project No. 1: Gallery Talk "The encounter with the work of art"Gallery talk
31 OctYuji Ohno & Lupintic Five in KEIOConcert
23 Oct舞踊フェスティバル in AKITA 企画展示 土方巽・舞踏の世界Exhibition
07 OctPersonal Belongings, Voices, and People at the timeExhibition
17 SepSAMURAI ReCordsExhibition
17 SepSHOW-CASE project No.1: Motohiro Tomii "three erasers"Exhibition
11 JulGuest Gallery Talk: The World of IMI KNOEBEL by Otani YoshihisaGallery talk
02 JunSchubert: Lied and Chamber MusicPerformance
19 MayContemporary Eyes IV The Light Dwells: Imi KnoebelExhibition
16 AprNakajima Natsu Butoh Performance "Like Smoke Like Ash"Performance
14 MarSHOW-CASE project talk event: "On SHOW-CASE project"Gallery talk
07 MarIkeda Tatsuo Talk Event "Gallery Takemiya, Takiguchi Shuzo and 1950s"Gallery talk
03 MarIntroduction to Archives XI: TAKEMIYA INVITATIONSExhibition
03 MarSHOW-CASE project No.0: Motohiro Tomii "Blind Composition"Exhibition
26 JanLecture: Alan Yaffe "Changing Challenges to Managing the Arts in the United States: Origins and History"Lecture
21 JanThe 28th anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi's death / Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi IVDiscussion
18 JanAmbarvalia: 120th birth anniversary of Nishiwaki JunzaburoLecture