慶應義塾大学アート・センター Keio University Art Center

Events archive

20 JanCultural Properties in Everyday Life: Workshop Tour on Local Sculpture and ArchitectureTour Course/Workshop
16 JanIntroduction to Art Archive XXIV: The 40th Anniversary of the Death of Junzaburo Nishiwaki: Wandering with FloraExhibition
17 DecThe Social World of Butoh Dance: Screening an Unseen Performance from the 1970sScreening Lecture
11 Dec牧村憲一アーカイブ・第1回シンポジウム「加藤和彦と大貫妙子 ふたつの「ヨーロッパ三部作」 〜大貫妙子氏を迎えて」Conference
10 Dec瀧口修造研究会特別例会 パピエプリエ 00:交信紙 ── 岡崎和郎の矢印についてResearch seminar
02 Dec第2回冨田勲シンポジウム「初音ミクと『イーハトーヴ交響曲』」Conference
28 NovKeio University Mita Campus Architecture Open DayTour
16 NovCollective Memory 2: Workshop for co-exploring local cultureCourse/Workshop
29 Octステラーク×VIC(ビデオインフォメーションセンター):モデュレート/メディエイト(日本居住時代の1970年代パフォーマンス記録上映&アーティストトーク)Screening Discussion
22 Oct萩原朔太郎と詩の未来Conference
19 OctKasai Akira Post Butoh Performance “Dancing Chopin”Performance
03 OctIntroduction to Art Archive XXIII Fumihiko Maki and Keio University II Designing the Between: SFC as Group FormExhibition
20 AugMinato-e: Notebook on Cities and CulturesScreening Discussion
04 JulIntroduction to Archives XXII “A Story of Smallpox: Detached from the Life you were born with...”Exhibition
17 Jun慶應義塾大学アート・センター シンポジウム 松本隆 <言葉の教室 >@三田Conference
09 MayHanne DarbovenExhibition
14 FebArtist Voice II: Tosio Arimoto Journey to the Wellspring of his SongsExhibition
22 JanPoetry is waiting to be translated?!Lecture
21 JanThe 36th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking Together about Hijikata TatsumiDiscussion
24 DecKasai Akira Post Butoh Performance "Dancing John the Apostle" [Video distribution of performance recording] Performance
10 DecCollective Memory: Workshop for co-exploring local cultureCourse/Workshop
04 DecA Visit to Zuishoji, a Temple Adorned with History and CultureTour
17 Novギャラリートーク|修復家と見る 《福澤諭吉還暦祝 灯台》Gallery talk
06 NovSymposium| Tangite me : Reconsidering Conservation during the PandemicConference
05 Nov彫刻を洗って、磨いて、見る――触覚鑑賞ワークショップ(見学のご案内)Tour
03 Novシンポジウム「冨田勲の人、仕事、時代。」Conference
01 NovPublic Open Days of Ex-Noguchi RoomTour
26 Octキックオフ! エンターテインメント・コミュニケーションズ論Conference
18 Oct[Exhibition] Tangite me: Reconsidering Conservation during the PandemicExhibition
17 Augカルナラ・コレッジ '21「カルチュラル・ナラティヴの旅支度」Course/Workshop
17 JulMinato-e: Notebook on Cities and CulturesScreening Discussion
17 JulEvent Title: Tatsuo Kawaguchi non-respiring — Gallery Talk: the Works SpeakGallery talk
08 MayThe Symposium "Tatsuo Kawaguchi: Time Boomerang" *CancelledConference
19 Apr[Contemporary Art Exhibition] Artist Voice I: Tatsuo Kawaguchi non-respiringExhibition
27 MarAmbarvalia X :Junzaburo Nishiwaki and the future of poetryLecture
21 Mar明治大学唐十郎アーカイヴ・慶応義塾大学アート・センター共催Zoomシンポジウム「映像と演劇アーカイヴ:記録は現場に拮抗するか」Conference
18 Febタテモノレゾナンス Instagramに慶應義塾のキャンパスシーンを投稿しよう!
01 FebIntroduction to Art Archive XXI Fumihiko Maki and Keio University I: Resonating ArchitectureExhibition
24 JanCultural research on urban cities and communitiesDiscussion Lecture
22 Janプロトコルを探るダイアログ:カルチュラル・レジスタンスをめぐってDiscussion Lecture
21 JanThe 35th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death / Talking together about Tatsumi Hijikata Online EventDiscussion
24 DecAkira Kasai Butoh Performance "Dancing the Constitution of Japan" [Video distribution of performance recording] Performance
30 NovOnline Gallery Talk "2020 Exhibition of Treasures from Century Cultural Foundation, Writings of the Literati"Gallery talk
11 NovKeio University Mita Campus Architecture Open Day OnlineTour
09 NovWritings of the LiteratiExhibition
30 OctClosing Talk "Tatsuo Kawaguchi Gaze Breathing via Branchial Respiration"Gallery talk
26 OctOnline Exhibition “Keio Exhibition RoomX: Jinkan Kosai (Society)”Exhibition
04 SepCulNarra! College '20: Workshop to Rediscover Local Cultural ResourcesCourse/Workshop Seminar
17 AugSHOW-CASE project No. 4 Tatsuo Kawaguchi Gaze Breathing via Branchial RespirationExhibition
18 JulMinato-e: Notebook on Cities and CulturesScreening Discussion