慶應義塾大学アート・センター Keio University Art Center

Events archive

21 MayIma Tenko Butoh Performance ‘COMET’Performance
17 MarIntroduction to Art Archive XXVII: Correspondence-Poetry or Letters and Affects—Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline GinsExhibition
01 FebKUAC Cinematheque 3: 状況劇場「唐版・犬狼都市」上映会—単独性と反復または記録についてScreening Discussion
30 JanCityscape by Myōjō-in: A Temple as a Stationary Observer of a cityTour Lecture
25 JanAmbarvalia XIV Junzaburo and the Fukuiku: A Fresh Look at Modernism and Its ImpactLecture
23 JanSymposium "Garden and Contemporary Art: As for Capturing Events"Conference
21 JanThe 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata TatsumiDiscussion
21 Decラーニング・ワークショップ「放送博物館」で考えるーアナログ技術のこれまで・これからCourse/Workshop
09 Decインクルーシヴ・プログラム 「きょうの料理」でめぐる100年!ツアーCourse/Workshop
07 DecPapier Plié 02: Correspondences between Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins — Margin and BlankConference
20 Nov舞踏家・上杉満代による舞踏ワークショップ「呼吸を遊び 体と遊び 床を踏む!」Course/Workshop
12 NovKeio University Mita Campus Architecture Open DayTour
07 NovCorrespondences and Hyōryūshi [Drifting-poetry]Exhibition
21 OctSHOW-CASE PROJECT Extra-1 Motohiro Tomii: The Presence of Objects and MattersExhibition
22 JunJAMIA×KUAC JAM2024 ~JAMIA Annual Meeting~ 「映像アーカイブの現在と未来」Conference
27 MayIntroduction to Art Archive XXVI: Yoshikuni Iida: Landscape of TimeExhibition
15 MayKasai Akira Post Butoh Performance“Unfinished”Performance
08 MarExploring Avant-Garde Theatre Vol.1: Research Screening of Kazuo Ohno’s Butoh Performance, "Admiring La Argentina"Screening Lecture
04 MarPublished by KUAC: Tracing 30 Years of the Keio University Art Center through its PublicationsExhibition
05 FebVisiting a Temple and its Old Garden of Edo periodTour
31 JanMy Life Study ⅡDiscussion Screening
29 JanVerbal Imaging Tour with Visually Impaired People in Zojoji TempleCourse/Workshop
27 JanTalk session 'Practice of inclusive workshops using local cultural resources'Discussion
21 JanThe 38th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata TatsumiDiscussion
20 JanAmbarvalia XⅢ: Everything is a Joke in the World of Junzaburo Nishiwaki... and Basho... and Baudelaire?Lecture
17 JanIntroduction to ex-Noguchi RoomTour Course/Workshop
11 JanAnnouncement: Outdoor Sculpture MaintenanceTour
20 Dec"Back to the Future: Record the Future 2"––Collective Memory 3 Technical Edition (2 sessions): Workshop for co-exploring local culture and memories through video materialCourse/Workshop
09 DecTakiguchi Shuzo 120th Anniversary Exhibition Memorial Symposium: Shuzo Takiguchi Research Group Special Meeting──Papier plié 01: Making a tableau of the hinge (like a music scale or a book......)Lecture
02 DecThe Social World of Butoh Dance: Screening an Unseen Performance from the 1970sScreening Lecture
29 NovArtist Voice III: Tetsuro Komai x Cultural Narrative of a City  Talk & WorkshopCourse/Workshop Lecture
27 Nov舞踏家・今貂子による身体ワークショップ「生きること 踊ること」Course/Workshop
16 NovSee, Learn and Recognize Cultural Properties in Minato City: Workshop on Local ArchitectureTour Course/Workshop
14 NovKeio University Mita Campus Architecture Open DayTour
09 NovHaptic appreciation workshop──washing and enjoying sculpturesCourse/Workshop
02 NovTakiguchi Shuzo 120th Anniversary Exhibition: Books as a Wilson- Lincoln SystemExhibition
10 OctArtist VoiceⅢ Tetsuro Komai: Etched Lines, Unleashed StrokesExhibition
27 SepCollective Memory 3 Technical Edition (2 sessions): Workshop for co-exploring local culture and memories through video materialCourse/Workshop
07 JulTalk Event "Postwar Kabuki Magazines and Theater People"Lecture Gallery talk
24 MayMitsuyo Uesugi Butoh Performance “Life”Performance
22 MayIntroduction to Art Archive XXV: A Passion for Kabuki: The Tanabe Collection of the Magazine, YakushaExhibition
10 MarA Visit to SengakujiTour
08 MarThe Relationships between Joan Miró and Takiguchi Shuzo, via DocumentsResearch seminar
16 Febインクルーシヴを語る会:歴史文化あふれる増上寺とともに考えるCourse/Workshop
04 Febマリンサイエンスミュージアム:目の見える人と見えない人のまっすぐ&ぶらぶら対話ツアーCourse/Workshop
28 JanAmbarvalia XII: Junzaburo Nishiwaki and Femininity— Remembering Chika SagawaLecture
25 JanNew Approaches to Cultural Heritage: Introduction to 'Object-based Learning'Course/Workshop
22 JanMy Life StudyDiscussion Screening
21 JanThe 37th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata TatsumiDiscussion
20 JanCultural Properties in Everyday Life: Workshop Tour on Local Sculpture and ArchitectureTour Course/Workshop

Announcement - Keio University Freshman Event 2025: Ima Tenko Butoh performance ‘COMET’

Now on View - Introduction to Art Archive XXVII: Correspondence-Poetry or Letters and Affects—Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins

The Keio University Art Center has been registered as a registered museum.

In Memory of Ko Nakajima

The video of the “The 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi” has been uploaded!