慶應義塾大学アート・センター Keio University Art Center






多くの他者の生を孕む未完の作品《My Life》を約50年にわたり制作し続けたその不屈の魂に深く敬意を表し、心よりご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。


In Memory of Ko Nakajima

On February 4, 2025, artist Ko Nakajima passed away at the age of 84. We extend our deepest gratitude for his invaluable contributions to the activities of Keio University Art Center during his lifetime.

Nakajima's practice spanned a wide range of fields, including documentation, animation, photography, video art, sculpture, installation, collectives, commercial advertising, writing, historical research on animation, regional revitalization, and education. If there is one perspective that could embrace such a diversity of contributions,  it might be none other than Nakajima's own ongoing project, "my life".

We express our deepest respect for his incredible spirit and artistic commitment. These fed into his ongoing unfinished work, My Life, a work which embraced the lives of many others, and spanned over fifty years. We send our prayers for his peaceful rest.

Keio University Art Center
(Translated by Rosa van HENSBERGEN)

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