Arts Management Educational Program: Buisiness report (2014)
1. The Historical Documents of Arts Management Education in Japan
This project archived information about Arts Management in Japan from 1980's to 90's and published The Historical Documents of Arts Management Education in Japan II which was subsequent to last year. Inviting Michihiro Watanabe, the research meetings were held for the purpose of communicating and making dicision about policy.
2014 | 7. June | 1. Research Meeting |
7. August | 2. Research Meeting | |
31. October | 3. Research Meeting | |
2015 | 28. February | The Historical Documents of Arts Management Education in Japan II (published) |
2. Board Education Educational Program for the board of directors of Arts Organization
The research purpose of this project is to study, to propose and to practice the way to educate the board of directors, who are essential for developing arts organization, to manage non-profit organization of art. Four times commisions were also held to define the problem.
2014 | 27. June | 1. comission |
18. July | 2. comission | |
2015 | 19. March | 3. comission |
20. March | 4. comission | |
March | Board Education Educational Program for the board of directors of Arts Society (Report) |
3. Arts Management Educational Seminar
To sophisticate contents and teachers of arts management educataion, the project held three times study group for teachers of arts management education and people who have experience of regular higher education. Inviting Naoko Iwamoto who studied at University of Boston in U.S.A and Tomoko Wakabayashi who studied at University of Warwick in England and compared with the programs of each University, participants discussed problem, application possibility of japanese education.
2014 | 4. December | 1. comission |
2015 | 15. January | 2. comission |
26. February | 3. comission |
4. Working Group for Art Archive Management
Based on the study for operational status of art archive inside and outside Japan, this program held the working group which analysed art archive from the viewpoint of "Management" and selected Art Center as a sample which had 15 years results. We listed a theme "Relationship" as the first season and held three "Talk Session".
2015 | 4. February | トークセッション1 「アートと社会のつなぎかた: 動き出す日本の文化資源」 |
27. February | トークセッション2 「パフォーマンスアーカイヴの現在: 国際連携をもとめて」 | |
7. March | トークセッション3 「アーティストとアーカイヴ」 | |
20. March | 記録集『アート・アーカイヴ・マネジメントWG』発行 |
5. Practice of Art Events and Arts Management Workshop
This project held the exhibitions "SHOW-CASE project No. 1 & 2" and performances "土方巽『病める舞姫』を秋田弁で朗読する[秋田版]" and "大野雄二&ルパンティックファイブin KEIO". Based on these events, "Arts Management Marketing Workshop" (total: eleven times) were held.
- Arts Management Marketing Workshop
2014 | 23. July | 第一回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 |
オリエンテーション、マーケティング理論の基礎 (1) | ||
6. August | 第ニ回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
オリエンテーション、マーケティング理論の基礎 (2) | ||
27. August | 第三回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
SHOW-CASE project No. 1のマーケティング戦略立案 (1) | ||
3. September | 第四回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
SHOW-CASE project No. 1のマーケティング戦略立案 (2) | ||
10. September | 第五回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
ジャズ・コンサートのマーケティング戦略立案 (1) | ||
1. October | 第六回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
ジャズ・コンサートのマーケティング戦略立案 (2) | ||
8. October | 第七回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
秋田県での朗読公演のマーケティング戦略立案 | ||
31, October | 第八回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
ジャズ・コンサートのマーケティング戦略の実地検証 | ||
1. November | (補講) 展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
アンケート分析に必要なエクセル活用術 | ||
12. November | 第九回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
ジャズ・コンサートのマーケティング戦略施策の分析 | ||
26. November | 第十回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
SHOW-CASE project No. 2のマーケティング戦略立案 (1) | ||
10. December | 第十一回展覧会+マーケティング・プラン実習 | |
SHOW-CASE project No. 2のマーケティング戦略立案 (2) | ||
2015 | 28. February | 『展覧会・公演等アート・イベントの実施とアーツ・マネジメント実習報告書』発行 |
- Exhibition
2014年 | 17. September−28. November | SHOW-CASE project No. 1 「冨井大裕 3個の消しゴム」開催 |
2015年 | 19. January − 31. March | SHOW-CASE project No. 2 「志村信裕 透明なケース」開催 |
- Performance
2014年 | 31. October | 大野雄二&ルパンティックファイブ in KEIO 開催 |
8. − 9. November | 土方巽『病める舞姫』を秋田弁で朗読する[秋田版] 開催 | |
2015 | 20. March | 報告書 『「展覧会・公演等アート・イベントの実施とアーツ・マネジメント実習」 サブプロジェクト』発行 |
What's on
- SHOW-CASE PROJECT Extra-1 Motohiro Tomii: The Presence of Objects and Matters
- Introduction to Art Archive XXVII: Correspondence-Poetry or Letters and Affects—Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins
- Correspondences and Hyōryūshi [Drifting-poetry]
- Ambarvalia XIV Junzaburo and the Fukuiku: A Fresh Look at Modernism and Its Impact
- The 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi
- Cityscape by Myōjō-in: A Temple as a Stationary Observer of a city
- Symposium "Garden and Contemporary Art: As for Capturing Events"
- KUAC Cinematheque 3: 状況劇場「唐版・犬狼都市」上映会—単独性と反復または記録について