Overview: Arts Management Educational Program 2014
A number of developments in recent years have led to an increased interest in non-profit institutions and cultural groups: the establishment of NPO Law in 1998; the raised attention to public cultural facility management, as a result of the introduction of a designated administrator system in 2003; the reforms in the public interest corporation system in 2008; the LDP slogan of a “new public,” that focused on non-profit models; and the new theater law of 2012. Despite this, the frequent problem of inadequate management of funds within cultural organizations indicates the poor state of the management and business ethics of arts organizations. There may be an increasing need for arts management (that is, the management of cultural organizations that are largely non-profit), but it is still regarded merely as the act of “connecting art and society”, which is abstracted from any practical reality. It is also frequently confused with the mere facilitation of arts and cultural work.
What's on
- SHOW-CASE PROJECT Extra-1 Motohiro Tomii: The Presence of Objects and Matters
- Introduction to Art Archive XXVII: Correspondence-Poetry or Letters and Affects—Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins
- Correspondences and Hyōryūshi [Drifting-poetry]
- Ambarvalia XIV Junzaburo and the Fukuiku: A Fresh Look at Modernism and Its Impact
- The 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi
- Cityscape by Myōjō-in: A Temple as a Stationary Observer of a city
- Symposium "Garden and Contemporary Art: As for Capturing Events"