Archiving 1970s Japanese Arts Materials: VIDEO INFORMATION CENTER

Hitoshi Kubo (ed.)
- Published: 2022-03-09
A4, 96ページ
- Price: Web公開のみ
This project aims to reconsider the activities of media arts in Japan from the postwar period to present within the framework of “intermedia”, as well as to build a foundation for a clearer understanding of the history of media arts in Japan through the video art-related materials, which are located at the intersection of art and video history and various artistic activities of the same period, and represented here by Ko Nakajima and VIC.
- About the Project − Hitoshi Kubo
- Production Sites and Archive
About "Production Sites and Archive"− Hitoshi Kubo
Record of "Production Sites and Archive" −edited by Hitoshi Kubo,Yushiro Inoue / transcribed by Yushiro Inoue
"Production Sites and Archive" Questionnaire − Ko Nakajima, Ichiro Tezuka, Yosuke Nakagawa, Yutaka Iida - Lists −edited by Hitoshi Kubo, Alena Prusakova, Aoi Yamamasu, Ryosuke Yamakoshi, Shinpei Tsunefuka, Yushiro Inoue, Calo works Co. Ltd.
- VIC videotapes
- Ko Nakajima's videotapes
- Ko Nakajima's photography
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- Archiving 1970s Japanese Arts Materials: VIDEO INFORMATION CENTER
- Archiving 1970s Japanese Arts Materials: VIDEO INFORMATION CENTER
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