慶應義塾大学アート・センター Keio University Art Center

Cultural Narrative of a City '19

Written by Kae Ishimoto, Kayoko Ichikawa, Natsuhiko Chiba, Yu Homma and Chiaki Yamane
Edited by the Cultural Narrative of a City Project (Yu Homma Shinsuke Niikura) and Keio University Art Center
Designed by Keiko Fukuda (Bonfuego Design)
Assisted by Ritsuko Shino and Shiho Hasegawa
  • Published: 2020-03-31
  • A5, 65 pages

  • Price: Free

The annual report of "Cultural Narrative of a City" project (2019).

This year’s activities consist of five projects. These include holding an event introducing urban culture, establishing a platform for global dissemination of the information, content production, the professional development programmes and the project management and modelling.

Each project is reported here under the following chapters: ‘Culnarra! Event Series’, ‘Connect Communities and Promote Communication’, ‘Visualise Culture (Content Production)’, ‘Produce Cultural communicators (Professional Development)’ and ‘Develop the Project (Management and Modeling of the Project)’. We have also asked guest writers to take a magazine-style approach to share our activities to our various different communities.

Read online:https://issuu.com/keio.artcenter/docs/culnarra_report_2019

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