慶應義塾大学アート・センター Keio University Art Center

ARTEFACT extra issue: Cultural research on urban cities and communities

Emi Kobayashi
Shintaro Yonezawa
Kazuya Sano
Shota Seshimo
Tomoya Matsumoto
Yu Homma
  • Published: 2021-03-01
  • B5, 98 pages

    Full-text PDF [coming soon...]

  • Price: Free

ARTEFACT records the activities of the Cultural Narrative of a City project by edited transcriptions, reports and so on. Activity reports sometimes appear tedious to people who didn't participate in the activities. ARTEFACT is edited in a cultural magazine style, hoping that the readers of ARTEFACT learn and enjoy Cultural Narratives narrated in the project.

The second volume featured "Sea / Sign of the City".

Edited, Planned and Editorial Produced by Rhetorica (Tomoya Matsumoto, Shota Seshimo)
Art Directed and Designed by Tomoya Ohta (Rhetorica)
Photography by Ryo Yoshiya (Rhetorica)
Published by the Cultural Narrative of a City project and Keio University Art Center

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