ARTEFACT 03: Sea / Sign of the City

Midori Kawabe (Professor at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
Hiroshi Kohno (Senior assistant professor at Keio Museum Commons)
Masato Naito (Professor at Keio University Faculty of Letters, Director of Keio University Art Center)
Fumi Matsuya (Professor and curator at Keio University Art Center)
Lilith Ayvazyan (English and American Literature Department, Keio University Graduate School of Letters, Specializing in Victorian Poetry and Pre-Raphaelite Art.)
Shinsuke Niikura (Curator at the Bunkamura Museum of Art, Research fellow of the ‘Architecture of Keio’ project (as of 2019))
Namiki Serizawa (Assistant Curator at Keio University Art Center)
Rhetorica (Tomoya Matsumoto (text) + Shota Seshimo (cooperation))
- Published: 2020-03-05
B5, 98 pages
Full-text PDF [coming soon...]
- Price: Free / Shipping fee payment
ARTEFACT records the activities of the Cultural Narrative of a City project by edited transcriptions, reports and so on. Activity reports sometimes appear tedious to people who didn't participate in the activities. ARTEFACT is edited in a cultural magazine style, hoping that the readers of ARTEFACT learn and enjoy Cultural Narratives narrated in the project.
The second volume featured "Sea / Sign of the City".
- PREFACE | まなざしの外で都市の気配を追う | 本間友
- LECTURE | 講演録「江戸前の海と文化」
- LECTURE | 「江戸前の海 学びの環づくり」−−持続可能な東京湾を考える、東京海洋大学のアクション・リサーチ | 川辺みどり
- LECTURE | 江戸前の魚たち−−その横顔と漁猟について | 河野博
- LECTURE | 江戸の魚介図−−食卓にのぼる食材としての魚 | 内藤正人
- REPORT | カルナラ・コレッジ−−港区民による地域の文化資源再発見プロジェクト | 松谷芙美
- COLUMN | 国際文化会館−−歴史のこだま | リリス・アイヴァジャン
- COLUMN | 大学の建築公開事例研究−−横断的プラットフォーム構築の必要性 | 新倉慎右
- REPORT | 「時の流れ」が堆積する三田寺町 | 芹澤なみき
- FRAGMENTS | 港とにおいをめぐる6章−−東京湾の香を聞く | Rhetorica
- FRAGMENTS | 6 Fragments on Marine Aromas: Attending to the Smells of Tokyo Bay | Rhetorica
- REPORT |“The Flow of Time” Accumulated Around the Temple Town of Mita | Namiki Serizawa
- COLUMN | Making Architecture Public and the Example of Universities | Shinsuke Niikura
- COLUMN | International House of Japan: Historical Allusions | Lilith Ayvazyan
- REPORT |“CulNarra College” – Residents of Minato City Rediscovering the Local Cultural Resources | Fumi Matsuya
- LECTURE | Images of Fish and Shellfish from the Edo Period: Seafood as an Ingredient for the Table | Masato Naito
- LECTURE | An Outline of the Fish and Fishing in Edomae | Hiroshi Kohno
- LECTURE |“Edomae no Umi (Tokyo Bay Fishing Ground): Creating a Learning Circle”: Action Research at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology for Sustainable Tokyo Bay | Midori Kawabe
- LECTURE |Rediscovering Tokyo Bay: Maritime Culture of Edomae
- PREFACE | Follow a Sign of the City Outside the Gaze | Yu Homma
Edited and Planned by the Cultural Narrative of a City project
(Yu Homma, Shinsuke Niikura and Fumi Matsuya)
Editorial Produced by Rhetorica (Tomoya Matsumoto, Shota Seshimo) Art Directed and Designed by Tomoya Ohta (Rhetorica)
Cover and Chapter-title page Photography by Ryo Yoshiya (Rhetorica) Assisted by Lilith Ayvazyan, Benedetta Pacini and Namiki Serizawa
Supported by FY2019 Minato Cooperation Project for Cultural Program
Published by Keio University Art Center
- ART ARCHIVES-Two: Toward the formation of Art Archives Platform
- HIJIKATA TATSUMI'S NOTATIONAL BUTOH: An Innovational Method for Butoh Creation
- 大学の建築プロジェクト 記録集[2011] 震災復興と学校建築
- Project Rebirth: Looking for Hijikata Tatusmi, dancing in Astrorama
- ART ARCHIVES: POLYHEDIA Its Present and Future
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材4 群馬交響楽団と東京シティ・フィルハーモニック管弦楽団(A)
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材3 富士ゼロックスコレクション
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材2 能登演劇堂
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材1 アルテピアッツァ美唄
- Hijikata Tatsumi "BUTOH" Materials
- 燔犠大踏鑑 四季のための二十七晩
- Performance Studies international Fluid States 2015 Tohoku, Japan: Select conference proceedings
- ARTEFACT 01: Cultural Narrative of a City / Zojo-ji Temple
- Focus: Architecture of Keio No.1 / The Comings and Goings of Keio University Shinanomachi Campus
- Focus: Architecture of Keio No.2 / Architecture of University: Campus Scape
- Focus: Architecture of Keio No.1 / The Comings and Goings of Keio University Shinanomachi Campus
- ARTEFACT 02: Internship
- ARTEFACT 03: Sea / Sign of the City
- ARTEFACT extra issue: Cultural research on urban cities and communities
- ARTEFACT Untitled