Other publications
Focus: Architecture of Keio No.2 / Architecture of University: Campus Scape Published: 2023-09-30 | |
Published: 2022-03-21 | |
ARTEFACT extra issue: Cultural research on urban cities and communities Emi Kobayashi Published: 2021-03-01 | |
ARTEFACT 03: Sea / Sign of the City Yu Homma (Research Fellow at Keio University Art Center, Senior Assistant Prof. at Keio Museum Commons) Published: 2020-03-05 | |
Focus: Architecture of Keio No.1 / The Comings and Goings of Keio University Shinanomachi Campus Published: 2019-03-31 | |
Yu Homma (Research Fellow at Keio University Art Center) Published: 2019-03-25 | |
ARTEFACT 01: Cultural Narrative of a City / Zojo-ji Temple 内藤 正人(慶應義塾大学文学部教授/同アート・センター所長) Published: 2018-03-12 | |
Focus: Architecture of Keio No.1 / The Comings and Goings of Keio University Shinanomachi Campus Published: 2018-03-01 | |
Performance Studies international Fluid States 2015 Tohoku, Japan: Select conference proceedings Editor: Peter Eckersall Published: 2016-07-25 | |
HIJIKATA TATSUMI'S NOTATIONAL BUTOH: An Innovational Method for Butoh Creation Morishita, Takashi Published: 2015-03-31 | |
ART ARCHIVES-Two: Toward the formation of Art Archives Platform 渡部葉子/野崎たみ子/Ming Tiampo Published: 2013-03-23 | |
大学の建築プロジェクト 記録集[2011] 震災復興と学校建築 橋本まゆ/松葉一清/都倉武之 Published: 2012-03-31 | |
Project Rebirth: Looking for Hijikata Tatusmi, dancing in Astrorama Published: 2012-02-29 | |
ART ARCHIVES: POLYHEDIA Its Present and Future 渡部葉子/光田由里/吉田千鶴子/山名善之/松澤慶信/内藤正人/小川千代子 Published: 2010-09-30 | |
慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材4 群馬交響楽団と東京シティ・フィルハーモニック管弦楽団(A) Published: 2010-04-01 | |
HIJIKATA TATSUMI'S NOTATIONAL BUTOH: Sign and Method for Creation 森下隆 Published: 2010-03-31 | |
慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材1 アルテピアッツァ美唄 Published: 2009-04-01 | |
Published: 2009-04-01 | |
慶應義塾大学アート・センター ケース教材3 富士ゼロックスコレクション Published: 2009-04-01 | |
HIJIKATA TATSUMI'S NOTATIONAL BUTOH: Sign and Method for Creation Published: 2003-03-01 | |
Hijikata Tatsumi "BUTOH" Materials Published: 2000-12-02 | |
前田富士男/元藤燁子/石井達郎/吉岡実/和栗由起夫/小林嵯峨/YAS-KAZ/郡司正勝/鈴木志郎康/小林正佳/吉増剛造/ダン・ケニイ/市川雅/扇田昭彦/佐藤信 Published: 1998-11-28 |
What's on
- SHOW-CASE PROJECT Extra-1 Motohiro Tomii: The Presence of Objects and Matters
- Introduction to Art Archive XXVII: Correspondence-Poetry or Letters and Affects—Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins
- Correspondences and Hyōryūshi [Drifting-poetry]
- Ambarvalia XIV Junzaburo and the Fukuiku: A Fresh Look at Modernism and Its Impact
- The 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi
- Cityscape by Myōjō-in: A Temple as a Stationary Observer of a city
- Symposium "Garden and Contemporary Art: As for Capturing Events"