Sengakuji : Keiko Okawa / Documentaries by Cultural Narrative of a City

萬松山 泉岳寺
牟田 賢明、又木 啓史、佐々木 宗賢、宇都宮 美孝、北村 満起夫、高松 義直
泉岳寺 習字教室の皆さん
株式会社 明古堂
明珍 素也、奥田 重俊
岡部 安曇、Riley Yoshiaki Masunaga
大川 景子
- Published: 2019-03-31
"Cultural Narrative of a City" is a project to connect and narrate the culture of Minato City from various perspectives. The media that carries the story varies: texts, photos, and videos.
The "Cultural Narrative of a City" project attempts to capture the story of urban culture with film directors in a series titled "Minato-e".
"Sengakuji" is a work focusing on the daily life of the Zen temple of Sengakuji, which is known for its grave of the Ako Gishi, and its aspect as a temple that inherited cultural properties and opened in the local community.
Director: Keiko Okawa
For details of the "Cultural Narrative of a City" project, please refer to the project webpage.
萬松山 泉岳寺
牟田 賢明、又木 啓史、佐々木 宗賢、宇都宮 美孝、北村 満起夫、高松 義直
泉岳寺 習字教室の皆さん
株式会社 明古堂
明珍 素也、奥田 重俊
岡部 安曇、Riley Yoshiaki Masunaga
奥定 正掌、今橋 貴、大川 景子
黄 永昌
飯岡 幸子
大川 景子
To watch other videos in Minato-e series, please click the banner below.