Pleating Machine 2: Ko Nakajima x Yutaka Matsuzawa ― Rooms in the Photographs

While a moving image (visual) may on the one hand be regarded as merely a moving image, and a still image (photograph) merely regarded as a still image, it remains that we must consider still images to appreciate moving images, and vice-versa. This is readily illustrated in the case of filmic visuals as these are the product of juxtapositions of single photographic frames.
- Ko Nakajima (from interviews conducted on November 8 and November 21, 2018)
In 1969, Ko Nakajima journeyed to Yutaka Matsuzawa’s “Psi Room” to conduct a photo shoot. The “Psi Room” is both an atelier created by Matsuzawa and a space that can in itself be thought of as a work of art. The shoot was not easily realized as it was conducted in a room crammed with a profusion of finished and unfinished pieces. Nakajima’s intense engagement with both Matsuzawa and the room over a period of two days were productive of semi-structured, semi-random performances, to which these photographs stand testament.
This cycle of approximately 1500 photographs, in addition to constituting 1500 perspectives on the encounter of Nakajima with Matsuzawa and this single room, are also a confluence of incidental fragments of a singular event, that is to say the performance produced by Nakajima, Matsuzawa, and the “Psi Room.” Can this archive serve to facilitate fresh perspectives both on this singular event and on the expansive photographic cycle? We will interrogate this premise by means of printed materials and displays (visuals/photographs).
* Materials relating to Ko Nakajima held in the Keio University Art Center (KUAC) collection focus on photographs.
Monday, March 25 – Friday, May 24, 2019 12:00-18:00
Keio University Art Center (Keio University Mita Campus, South Annex 2F)
Everyone welcome
Free participation
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center
Exhibition[Pleating Machine]
Monday, March 25 – Friday, May 24, 2019 / Monday to Friday.
Keio University Art Center
[Keio University Mita Campus, South Annex]
2-15-45, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8345
Tel. 03-5427-1621 Fax. 03-5427-1620
JR: Tamachi station on Yamanote - and KeihinTohoku Line
Subway: Mita station on Mita Line, Akabanebashi station on Oedo Line
Everyone welcome
Free participation
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center
Organiser: Keio University Art Center
- 12:00-12:32《11/1 大野一雄② 第一生命ホール アルヘンチーナ頌》|カラー|31:52|1977年11月1日|OL
- 12:32-13:19《11/2 大野一雄 ダンス・リサイタル アルヘンチーナ頌① 第一生命》|カラー|46:52|1977年11月2日|OL
- 13:19-13:54《b.wビデオ・テープ・ファイル》|カラー|35:12|c.1979年|B
- 13:54-14:29《北方舞踏派 No.7 本番④ 〜ビショップ》|モノクロ|33:57|1975年10月10日|OS
- 14:29-15:03《北方舞踏派 No.8 酒・百日夜》|モノクロ|34:04|1975年10月10日|OS
- 15:03-17:51《CATV-PROGRAM R#7 77.2.12~16 No.55~62 B3》|モノクロ|2:47:59|1977年2月12日|B
- 12:00-12:24《ビデオ・テープ・ファイル DANCE》|カラー|23:56|c.1979年|B
- 12:24-13:27《〈ひとがた〉 アスベスト館 '56 6:20①》|カラー|1:03:28|1976年6月20日|OL
- 13:27-14:31《'76 6:20 ひとがた アスベスト館②》|カラー|1:03:46|1976年6月20日|OL
- 14:31-14:45《5.21 編集(安藤京子)+CATVの歌 原-友達》|モノクロ|12:18|c.1977年5月21日|OS
- 14:45-15:00《ビデオ・テープ・ファイル βX1》|カラー|15:14|c.1979年|B
- 15:00-17:48《CATV-PROGRAM R#9 77.2.24~28 No.70-80途中 B3》|モノクロ|2:47:52|1977年2月24日|B