Panel sessions: Ecology of Butoh/Performance Archives
In collaboration with PSi 2015 TOHOKU conference, panel sessions which focus on ‘Ecology of Butoh’ and ‘Performance Archives’ will be hosted, with a keynote speech by Takashi Morishita, the chief researcher of the Hijikata archive.
29– 31 August 2015
Aomori Museum of Art
PSi 2015 TOHOKU participants
Free for conference participants
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center
Conference | Discussion[Top Global University Project at Keio University]
29– 31 August 2015
Aomori Museum of Art
PSi 2015 TOHOKU participants
Free for conference participants
Takashi MORISHITA, Karen SHIMAKAWA (NYU Tisch School of the Arts), Joshua CHAMBERS-LESTON (Northwestern University), Jow-Jiun GONG (Tainan University of the Arts), Meng-Hsun LU (National Cheng Kung University), Debra LEVINE (NYU Abu Dhabi), Jasmine ROBERTSON (University of Sydney), Mariko MIYAGAWA (University of Tokyo), Jonathan W. MARSHALL (University of Otago), Katja CENTONZE (Waseda University), Sharon LEHNER (BAM Hamm Archives/ Pina Bausch Foundation), Yu HOMMA (Keio Univeristy Art Center)
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center
Supported by the Top Global University Project at Keio University
Hijikata Tatsumi’s Butoh-- a trip exploring its origin
Takashi MORISHITA (Keio University Art Center)
Ecology of Butoh Panels
Butoh / Body, chaired by Peter ECKERSALL
Catastrophe and the Incommensurable Body in Eiko’s “A Body in Places”
- Karen SHIMAKAWA (NYU Tisch School of the Arts)
- Joshua CHAMBERS-LESTON (Northwestern University)
Toward A Land of Overwhelming Darkness: Internationalism of Sickness Bodies in Ghost Circus
- Jow-Jiun GONG (Tainan University of the Arts)
- Meng-Hsun LU (National Cheng Kung University)
Butoh / Transmission, chaired by Yasushi NAGATA
Trisomic Propositions: Trajal Harrell’s Archival Mobilizations
- Debra LEVINE (NYU Abu Dhabi)
‘This is what I had been looking for’: Australia’s conversion to butoh and Body Weather
- Jasmine ROBERTSON (University of Sydney)
Hijikata Tatsumi / Ohno Kazuo, chaired by Katherine MEZUR & Shin KISHIDA
Transmission of Gestures in Dance: the Spectrum of Corporeality of Kazuo Ohno in « Ô sensei » by Catherine Diverrès
- Mariko MIYAGAWA (University of Tokyo)
CONTAMINATED MEDIA? The Butoh of Nourit Masson-Sékiné
- Jonathan W. MARSHALL (University of Otago)
Fluid Corporealities: Hijikata Tatsumi’s Bodies Trembling between States of Crisis
- Katja CENTONZE (Waseda University)
Performance Archives Panel: ’Perspectives on Performance Archives’
Linked Open Data: Case study in creating the Pina Bausch Archives
- Sharon LEHNER (BAM Hamm Archives/ Pina Bausch Foundation)
Researching Research Provenance: Documentation of Research History at Performance Archives
- Yu HOMMA (Keio Univeristy Art Center)
What's on
- SHOW-CASE PROJECT Extra-1 Motohiro Tomii: The Presence of Objects and Matters
- Introduction to Art Archive XXVII: Correspondence-Poetry or Letters and Affects—Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins
- Correspondences and Hyōryūshi [Drifting-poetry]
- Ambarvalia XIV Junzaburo and the Fukuiku: A Fresh Look at Modernism and Its Impact
- The 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi
- Cityscape by Myōjō-in: A Temple as a Stationary Observer of a city
- Symposium "Garden and Contemporary Art: As for Capturing Events"