Introduction to ex-Noguchi Room

The Ex-Noguchi Room is located on the roof terrace on the third floor of the South Building of Keio University's Mita Campus. It must be said that opportunities to come into contact with this space, which is normally inaccessible to the public, are limited. In this project, we will use the Ex-Noguchi Room as a venue to not only learn about the history and significance of the room, but also to experience the space itself. We hope you will join us.
2024 January 17(Wed), 24(Wed), 31(Wed)
Ex-Noguchi Room (Keio University Mita Campus, South Building 3F)
Students of Keio University
**These events are open to Keio University students. Participants who have attended the first two sessions will be given priority for the third session. If there are too many applicants, a drawing may be held.
2024 January 17(Wed), 24(Wed), 31(Wed)
Ex-Noguchi Room (Keio University Mita Campus, South Building 3F)
Students of Keio University
**These events are open to Keio University students. Participants who have attended the first two sessions will be given priority for the third session. If there are too many applicants, a drawing may be held.
Please fill out the form below to apply.
Lecturer: Hirotake KUROKAWA (Bronze Studio Ltd. / Professor Emeritus, Musashino Art University)
1. Getting to Know the Old Noguchi Room (January 17 18:30-20:00)
Why is it now called the "Ex-Noguchi Room"? This presentation will trace the history of the Noguchi Room from its birth to its current status.
2. Tasting Noguchi's Sculptures(January 24 18:30-20:00)
Using the object-based learning (OBL) method, visitors will taste three sculptures by Isamu Noguchi that exist on the Mita Campus.
3. Gathering in the Old Noguchi Room (January 31 18:30-20:00)
With music and performances, we will gather and spend time together, reminiscing about the Noguchi Room, which functioned as a common room for faculty and students, the "Banraisha."
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center