Keio University Mita Campus Architecture Open Day

Have you ever thought about the architecture around you?
You see lots of architecture everyday: Houses you pass by, crowded stations, and your school… How about taking a little time to view them?
Keio University has buildings which are designated as Important Cultural Properties. Did you know that some buildings at Keio were built before the war? Or, do you know who designed the library where you study and borrow books?
The Keio University Art Center has organized this Architecture Open Day to introduce the architecture on Mita Campus, including the Mita Public Speaking Hall (Mita Enzetsu-kan, built 1875) and the old “Noguchi Room” (Shin Banraisha, built 1951/2005) which are usually not open to the public. Participation is free and is open to the general public.
7-8 September 2016, 13:00 - 14:30
Keio University Mita Campus
Open to anyone
Free of charge
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center (Watanabe, Homma)
Other[Keio University Mita Campus Architecture Open Day]
7-8 September 2016, 13:00 - 14:30 (Friday and Saturday)
Keio University Mita Campus
2-15-45, Mita, Minato, Tokyo, 108-8345
8 min. walk from JR Tamachi station, Subway Mita station.
Open to anyone
Free of charge
No booking necessary
*Guide tour: Please make a booking from following Form
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center (Watanabe, Homma)
Organised by: Keio University Art Center
Supported by: Ministry of Education
How to participate
※ No booking necessary
1. Get the "Architecture Map" at the distribution places in Mita campus
- Distribution Places
- South Annex 1F & Art Center
- Office of Student Services (B1F, South School Building)
- Security Office at Main gate
- Enzetsu-kan
- Ex Noguchi Room
- East building stairwell
- The "Architecture Map" introduces the place of the opened architecture and information about it.
2. Walk around the architecture with the Map
- Please walk free around and look at the public-opened architecture.
- Because of the classes, there are some architecture whose observations are restricted to the outsides. The viewable architecture may change depending on days.
- Please read through a notice on the Map and enjoy the tour.
Architecture you can see
- Enzetsu-kan (Public Speaking Hall):Outside and inside
- Old Noguchi Room (Shin Banraisha):Outside and inside
- Jukukankyoku:Outside only
- Old Library:Outside, entrance hall and the stairs
- The First School building:Outside only at 27 November. Inside can be seen on a fixed route at 28 November.
- Library:Outside only
- Graduated school:Outside only
* The students of Keio University can view the inside of all the architecture.