Forum for Architecture of Universities: Archive and Outreach

The architecture that embellishes cities contains the memory of human activities inside and outside the buildings.
This forum focuses on the architecture in universities, which stand very close to the local community but offer few opportunities for people to experience them.
Through lectures and case studies, the program will share and discuss projects in several universities to highlight their architecture and the activities of architectural archives in Japan and abroad.
Language: Japanese with language support in English
* The lecture will be held in Japanese. However, we will provide English language support for non-Japanese speakers. Further details will be announced later on this website.
Saturday 20 October 2018, 14:00-16:30
Keio University Mita Campus West School Building Room 517
Everyone welcome
Free participation
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center (Homma, Takise)
Tour | Conference[Cultural Narrative of a City]
Saturday 20 October 2018, 14:00-16:30
Keio University Mita Campus West School Building Room 517
Everyone welcome
Free participation
No reservation necessary, Max 100 seats
*If you need English translation, please send your request via the form below.
Lecture (14:00-)
Yohko Watanabe (Keio University Art Center, Keio University)
School and Memory: A study based on the ‘Architecture of Keio’ project
Takako Fujimoto (National Archives of Modern Architecture [NAMA], Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan)
Preserving and Utilising the Archives of Modern Architecture: Reflections on the activities of NAMA and architectural archives abroad.
Case studies (15:15-)
Michiyo Kohri (Meiji Gakuin Historical Museum, Meiji Gakuin University)
The University Campus, Narrated by Historical Buildings: With a focus on Imbrie Hall, Memorial Hall and Meiji Gakuin Chapel
Yuri Tomita, Miki Maruyama (Gakushuin University Museum of History, Gakushuin University)
Preserving and Utilising the Historical Buildings of Gakushuin University’s Mejiro Campus
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center (Homma, Takise)
Supported by FY2018 Minato Cooperation Project for Cultural Program and the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan