Special film screening: Experimental films by Shuji Terayama
This program will screen 5 films directed by Terayama Shuji, one of the fabled leaders of the underground culture in 1960s and 70s Japan.
Born in Hirosaki City, Aomori, Terayama was a poet, filmmaker and playwright whose theatrical troupe, Tenjo Sajiki, produced some of the most experimental works of the period. Terayama renounced the conventions and rules of film-making. His avant-garde films are blanketed with extraordinary images which stir our innermost emotions and desires.
Sunday 30 August 2015, 10:45-12:45
Aomori Museum of Art, Theatre
Open to anyone
Sunday 30 August 2015, 10:45-12:45
Aomori Museum of Art, Theatre
Open to anyone
No booking required
- Emperor Tomato Ketchup: 27min. Toned monochrome
- An Attempt to Describe the Measure of A Man: 19min. Color
- Shadow Film – A Woman with Two Heads: 34min. Color
- Rolla (Laura): 12min. Color
- The Trial: 34min. Color
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center
Organised by Keio University Art Center, Co-presented by Terayama World
What's on
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