Aomori Folklore/Performing Arts
The Program
Hyakumanben/Juzu Mawashi (One Hundred Times/ Prayer Beads Pass-Along)
The women elders pass along a huge string of prayer beads while repeating Nenbutsu (chanting the name of Buddha) in front of the Hyakumanben stone tower on the outskirts of town, praying to prevent sickness from entering the village. The women will relive on stage their traditional observance, a practice rarely seen today in urban villages.
Butoh and Tsugaru-jamisen Collaboration
Tsugaru-jamisen was originally an instrument played accompanying Min'yō (folk song). Bosama (Blind men) used to walk from door to door playing the instrument to earn a living. Such solo performances later became more sophisticated and today Tsugaru-jamisen players could be found all over Japan.Appearing on stage is the master of the Takeyama school, Chikushun Takahashi, who has succeeded the name of Takahashi from Chikuzen Takahashi (founder of the Takeyama school), who was disciple to Chikuzan Takahashi, the great star in the history of Tsugaru-jamisen.
The butoh dancer in collaboration, Shoichi Fukushi, is an Aomori local. He had explored the concept of Butoh in relation to folk tradition and the local culture through Hoito (Beggar) performances for over 40 years.
Shimokita Noh Dance (Gongen dance)
One of the “Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties” of Japan. The dance is said to have derived from the Yamabushi Kagura. Yamabushi (mountain monks) introduced this to the Shimokita peninsula.
The Gongen dance is the most important of Noh dance, performed to purify the village to protect its safety and the health of its people.
Saturday 29 August 2015, 17:30 - 18:30
Aomori Museum of Art, Theatre
Open to anyone
Saturday 29 August 2015, 17:30 - 18:30
Aomori Museum of Art, Theatre
Open to anyone
Booking required
Hyakumanben: Ladies from the Oyasawa village of Aomori city
Tsugaru-jamisen: Chikushun TAKAHASHI Butoh: Shoichi FUKUSHI
Noh Dance (Gongen dance): Higashidoori village Gamanosawa Youth Association
Enquiries and bookings
Keio University Art Center
Keio University Art Center
この行事は、『日本民俗事典』(昭和42年2月 大塚民俗学会編 弘文堂)によると、次のように記されており、今回の数珠回しもこの中の略法草修が広く各地に伝えられ現在まで残されたものであると考えられる。
ひゃくまんべん (百万遍) 百万念仏の略。『百万遍念仏縁起』によると、弘化元年(1844)の大地震後に疫病が流行し、浄土宗本山京都知恩寺八世の善阿上人が勅命を奉じて念仏百万遍を唱えたところ、貢献があり、後醍醐天皇から百万遍の寺号を賜ったことにはじまるという。百万遍念仏に2種あり、一つは如法真修または顆繰といって、1人が7日間または10日間を限って念仏を一百万遍となえることをいう。二つは略法草修または早繰(ざらざらぐり)といって、多数の人々が1080顆はたはその倍数の百万遍念珠をくり、1顆をくるごとに念仏を唱えてその総和をもって一百万遍にするもので、実際には念仏の総計が10万遍でも百万遍といい、先亡追善・報恩感謝・虫送り・雨乞いや疫病退散・無病息災の祈祷として民間に広く行われている。
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