In Memory of Ko Nakajima
Photo: Hitoshi KUBO
On February 4, 2025, artist Ko Nakajima passed away at the age of 84. We extend our deepest gratitude for his invaluable contributions to the activities of Keio University Art Center during his lifetime.
Nakajima's practice spanned a wide range of fields, including documentation, animation, photography, video art, sculpture, installation, collectives, commercial advertising, writing, historical research on animation, regional revitalization, and education. If there is one perspective that could embrace such a diversity of contributions, it might be none other than Nakajima's own ongoing project, "my life".
We express our deepest respect for his incredible spirit and artistic commitment. These fed into his ongoing unfinished work, My Life, a work which embraced the lives of many others, and spanned over fifty years. We send our prayers for his peaceful rest.
Keio University Art Center
(Translated by Rosa van HENSBERGEN)
- Noguchi Room Revisited: Extended opening hours
- SHOW-CASE project No.2 志村信裕「透明なケース」会期延長!
- [終了]アート・マネジメント事業 事務アルバイト募集
- Hijikata Tatsumi archive develops online course on Butoh Dance. Accept learners until 21 OCT.
- アルバイトスタッフ募集:平成27年度文化庁メディア芸術所蔵情報整備事業
- Possible disruption to Email service (25 - 26 March 2017)
- 寺内曜子展最終日:6/30は19:00まで開館します!
- The STEP-UP! THAI dance show cases in Japan
- Announcement of Summer Closure: 9 - 16 August
- Exhibition opening time might change due to the Typhoon
- 協力催事:「近松門左衛門の世界」(清水紘治×曾根崎心中)
- Announcement of exhibition closure due to inclement weather : 23rd January
- Event Postponed
- Venue Change: Special Talk “Soyen Shaku and Globalization”
- 【研究会】PoP Japan Project キックオフ・シンポジウム「メディアの現状と音楽発信」開催
- 【11/11-11/22】展覧会監視アルバイト募集(終了しました)
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響にともなうイベント中止のお知らせ
- [Postponed] CulNarra! College: Workshop to Rediscover Local Cultural Resources
- Call for Participants: "Cultural Communicator" workshop (paid interns)
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症にともなう展覧会延期のお知らせ
- Notice of Guidances for Lectures by Art Center
- [Event postponed] Minato-e: Notebook on Cities and Cultures
- Documentary film screening / Tatsuo Kawaguchi artist talk -- 7/13, 7/18
- 土方巽アーカイヴが第51回(2019年度)舞踊批評家協会賞特別賞を受賞
- Reopening of Archives
- Summer closure: 3 – 10 August
- Reopening of Art Space
- 10月30日 展覧会「河口龍夫 鰓呼吸する視線」クロージング・トークの実施
- 11月10日 センチュリー文化財団寄託品展覧会 文人の書 デジタル展示の公開
- Architecture Open Day Online: Recorded videos of online guide-tours available
- 11月9日・30日 センチュリー文化財団寄託品展覧会 文人の書 オンライン・ギャラリートークの実施
- November 18th update: recorded video of Closing Talk is now available
- December 2nd update: recorded video of Gallery Talk is now available
- December 2nd update: recorded video of Gallery Talk is now available
- 緊急事態宣言発出に伴うイベント実施の見直し
- オンライン・コース「旧ノグチ・ルームへの招待:大学における文化財の保存と活用」を開講しました!
- 【槇文彦と慶應義塾展】タテモノレゾナンス Instagramに慶應義塾のキャンパスシーンを投稿しよう!
- 【槇文彦と慶應義塾展】動画公開:建築風景no. 1 日吉図書館
- 【槇文彦と慶應義塾展】動画公開:建築風景no. 2 慶應義塾図書館新館
- ミュージアム・コモンズ及びアート・センター臨時職員の募集
- アーカイヴ 資料目録PDFデータ公開!!
- We Postpone the Symposium "Tatsuo Kawaguchi: Time Boomerang"
- "Artist Voice I: Tatsuo Kawaguchi non-respiring": Extended the period
- Announcement of Closure: August - September
- Announcement: Public Open Days of Ex-Noguchi Room
- A recording of the online event "Tatsuo Kawaguchi non-respiring — Gallery Talk: the Works Speak" is now available
- 【関連展示】連携展覧会「オブジェクト・リーディング: 精読八景」
- Extension of closure period
- 【追悼】長谷川六氏のご逝去にあたり、土方アーカイヴの森下隆が哀悼の意を表します。
- Video "What is Butoh-fu" now has English subtitles.
- “The 26th anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi's death / Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi” video archive is now available
- 1998年「土方巽アーカイヴ開設記念 上映とシンポジウム ー《四季のための二十七晩》をめぐってー 土方巽と舞踏譜 私にとってのディスクール」アーカイヴ配信
- Junzaburo Nishiwaki, the 11th Ambarvalia symposium 'Poetry is waiting to be translated?!' Video archive is now available.
- List of Keio University Art Center events (1993-2021) is now available
- Highlights of Butoh Notation System Nadare Ame (Avalanche Candy) has been just uploaded!
- “The 36th anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi's death / Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi” video archive is now available
- Notice of Guidance for Special Lecture and Seminar on Art Archives
- [Video] Gallery Talk by Yoko Arimoto: "Artist Voice II: Tosio Arimoto Journey to the Wellspring of his Songs"
- Exhibition Record Book “Tangite me : Reconsidering Conservation during the Pandemic” has been published.
- Gallery Talk for Students: "Artist Voice II: Tosio Arimoto Journey to the Wellspring of his Songs"
- Behind the scenes: installing the exhibition “Hanne Darboven”
- シンポジウム 松本隆<言葉の教室>@三田 開催!
- Hanne Darboven: Online Gallery Talk is now available!
- “A Story of Smallpox: Detached from the Life you were born with...”: Live Painting
- 河口龍夫座談会「サンドイッチのなかみ」YouTube公開のお知らせ
- Announcement of Closure: 1 - 7 Aug. 2022
- Exhibition Record Book “Tangite me : Reconsidering Conservation during the Pandemic” is now available in PDF format in English
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター シンポジウム「松本隆<言葉の教室>@三田」が開催されました!
- “A Story of Smallpox: Detached from the Life you were born with...” : Online Gallery Talk is now available!
- 【追悼】飯村隆彦氏のご逝去にあたり、土方アーカイヴの森下隆が哀悼の意を表します。
- 「槇文彦と慶應義塾 II:建築のあいだをデザインする」展:関連動画をYouTubeで公開しました
- Now open! - Keio University Freshman Event 2023 : Mitsuyo Uesugi Butoh Performance “Life”
- Take a look at our new uploaded video on Youtube ! - Keio University Freshman Event 2019 : Mitsuyo Uesugi Butoh Performance “Life”
- The video of the 2nd Isao Tomita Symposium "Hatsune Miku 'Ihatov Symphony'" has been uploaded!
- The video is now available on YouTube! - Three-way panel discussion about SHIOKUBI
- 西脇順三郎生誕記念アムバルワリア祭XIII「西脇順三郎と「何でも諧謔」の世界──えっ、芭蕉も?ボードレールも?」 動画公開!
- 「没後38年 土方巽を語ることXIII」動画公開!
- Announcement : A screening event for SHIOKUBI(塩首)
- 【追悼】ヨネヤマ・ママコさんを悼む
- Announcement : A screening event for ‘Admiring La Argentina’(ラ・アルヘンチーナ頌)
- Announcement - Keio University Freshman Event 2024: Kasai Akira Post Butoh Performance
- The video is now available on YouTube! - Exploring Avant-Garde Theatre Vol.1: Research Screening of Kazuo Ohno’s Butoh Performance, “Admiring La Argentina”
- 【追悼】唐十郎さんを悼む
- 【In Memoriam】Architect Fumihiko Maki
- Now open! - Keio University Freshman Event 2023 : Mitsuyo Uesugi Butoh Performance “Life”
- 12.07 - Papier Plié 02: Correspondences between Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins — Margin and Blank
- 12/9(月)「インクルーシヴ・プログラム「きょうの料理」でめぐる100年!ツアー」開催のお知らせ
- Announcement: The 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking Together about Hijikata Tatsumi
- Now on View - Introduction to Art Archive XXVII: Correspondence-Poetry or Letters and Affects—Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins
- Announcement: Ambarvalia XIV Junzaburo and the Fukuiku: A Fresh Look at Modernism and Its Impact
- Announcement: Symposium “Garden and Contemporary Art: As for Capturing Events”
- 2/1(土)「KUAC Cinematheque 3: 状況劇場「唐版・犬狼都市」上映会—単独性と反復または記録について」開催のお知らせ
- The video of the “The 39th Anniversary of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Death: Talking together about Hijikata Tatsumi” has been uploaded!
- In Memory of Ko Nakajima
- The Keio University Art Center has been registered as a registered museum.
- Announcement - Keio University Freshman Event 2025: Ima Tenko Butoh performance ‘COMET’